We rent winter outerwear and clothing for extreme temps to regular winter temps. We can outfit you for your aurora viewing tour, dog sledding tour or ski gear. We outfit Arctic circle tours, Aurora Tours, Dog Sledding Tours, Ice Fishing, Cold Foot Camp, Borealis Base Camp, Denali National Park. You can even rent a Garmin Inreach or Satellite phone as a type of insurance since many are worried about the extreme cold and lack of communication coverage.
We also rent Ice Skates, Snowshoes, Cross country and backcountry skis, and 4 season winter camping gear and. Mountaineering Equipment.
You can book winter equipment on line at https://aog.rezdy.com
Select PKG tab for packages or Clothing tab for winter clothing.
Winter equipment for snowshoes, skis, etc.
We also rent cold weather FRCs and Winter Steel toed boots for the North Slope.

Fairbanks Location:
1855 Standard Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701
Anchorage Location:
540 W Potter Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518
SUMMER HOURS 9 am -5 pm for new reservations.
Winter Hours 10 am -5 pm.
After hour returns -email to request -set up and discuss your options.
Online Reservations: https://aog.rezdy.com/
Select the category tab Pkg or Clothing, Winter Equip. and click the date to launch date range.

We have several types of outerwear to protect you from the cold temperatures in Fairbanks and other locations across Alaska
We have 3 different types of extreme cold weather outerwear.
We mean parkas, snowpants/bibs, boots and gloves